Monday, October 14, 2013

Did anybody read Superman WonderWoman #1?

Despite my first impression of the book being a half-cocked attempt by DC to address their female audience, the starting issue was not horrible and sexist as expected. I enjoyed Tony Daniel’s art, and the fold-out spread featuring the cast of Wonder Woman’s current run was lovely. Reading through the issue did not invoke any cringe-worthy moments, (Good job not blatantly offending women DC!)  however, as an introduction to a series it was nothing special.

If you were too lazy or scared to read it, dude-bro Clark wants to keep things on the down low in contrast to strong, independent Diana’s wish to make their relationship public. (With a bit of action shoved in here and there. Wonder Woman gets to fight Doomsday next issue so maybe that will add some excitement?) These wants very much reflect both their personalities, but it’s obvious that this book is aimed at women or girls that have experienced a similar dating or relationship situation.  The way it was presented did not invoke any feelings of familiarity or sympathy for Wonder Woman or her relationship with Superman in my opinion. Which is troubling for a book that is aimed at their female demographic...AKA ladies like me.

The point can be made that I myself have never been in a situation like this, but I feel if the writing for any piece of fiction is good enough I should be able to relate to it regardless. Because of this, I will probably read this out of boredom whenever it comes out, but I will definitely not be buying it.

If you read it, did you enjoy the issue? What were your expectations when it was first announced?

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