Monday, September 23, 2013

How I Got Into Comics and Why I Started This Blog

My name is Gabby and I want to begin by saying I am by no means an expert when it comes to comics. Hopefully one day I will be….but for now the purpose of this blog is to express my journey into the fandom and keep track of all the comics I’ve read and wish to read.

Although always having an interest in comics, it did not become a regular past time for me until about two years ago. Other than the odd graphic novels and collected editions of well-known newspaper comics, my knowledge of comics was the bare minimum. No one around me had a strong interest in them, and a lack of confidence in regards to entering a fandom I knew nothing about, especially one that was predominantly male, had me intimidated. That all changed when I discovered blogging. Despite not being too comfortable with doing it myself, I was enamored with reading and viewing blogs. Blogs that showcase people’s lives, interests and art soon became my favourite reading material. It was through blogging sites like Tumblr that I became exposed to comic artists and fans, which not only encouraged new people to get into comics, but were also, to my surprise, female!

I decided that this was something I wanted to get into, so I did some research and realized the cheapest and easiest way for me to start was to read whatever graphic novels caught my interest at my local library. I kept up this habit for a year, and eventually started visiting comic stores to pick up books for my brother every now and then. I would usually end up going to the one I currently work at, mostly because my workplace at the time was conveniently located in the same mall. Every time I went the same guy would be working. Even though I knew practically nothing about comics, he was very helpful and fun to talk to. Eventually he found out that I needed a job, and suggested I talk to the boss about handing in my resume. A week later I was hired, and after working there for over a year I not only purchase but read comics on a regular basis.

When I chose to blog about comics I did so not only to express my interest in them, but with the hope that it would inspire others to learn about comics as well. In addition to being an amazing and ever growing source of entertainment, I’ve also made many connections and met a lot of new people because of it.

I’ve wanted to start a blog for a while now, and being required to do so for a class has given me the initiative to actually go through with it. My hope is that I will enjoy it enough to continue writing even after the assignment is complete! However, having never done this before it may take some time for this to become a habit rather than a chore. Please feel free to recommend your fave reads, ongoing or not; I’m more than willing to try something new!


  1. I myself am a big Scott Pilgrim Vs The World fan and completely understand the interest becoming some what of an obsession. Its great to see that your hobby actually helped you get a job. Keep collecting and blogging!

  2. So much luck on this new endeavour! :)

